Personal data we collect

Our company collects, processes and stores on servers personal information that was voluntarily provided as a result of two-way interaction:

  • filling out an online form in the relevant section of the website;
  • registering an online account with up-to-date data;
  • filling in the registration card;
  • consent to receive marketing and promotional information;
  • telephone communication;
  • sending an email or notification on other resources;
  • subscription to receive the services of our Company (newsletter, tracking updates in social networks);
  • provision of information content;
  • participation in surveys, sweepstakes and contests.


Information Form

Types of information we may receive:

  • Name, phone number, email;
  • passport and payment data, purchase history and personal preferences;
  • use of our services;
  • reviews about our services;
  • information that comes from third parties with whom the Client could interact.

The special statement contains the following information on the use of personal data:

  • what information is collected;
  • for what purpose it is collected;
  • technical means with the use of which the collection is carried out;
  • who sees the information presented;
  • how long user data is stored;
  • who to contact if you have additional questions;
  • what security measures are being taken.


Application of user data

Our company, being a service provider, is trying to improve its activities and the range of services offered. We use and process personal data in order to:

  • help create content that is interesting to our customers;
  • provide relevant services requested from us;
  • make updates to websites and pages in social networks in order to update the content;
  • facilitate payment and use of services;
  • comply with any regulatory requirements;
  • evaluate trends related to the conduct of our business;
  • guarantee the safety of our visitors;
  • compile aggregated statistics to improve the structure of websites;
  • make secure payments and participate in promotional offers;
  • provide the services that the User requests from us;
  • improve services and do everything to ensure that these offers are of interest.

Our company has a legitimate interest in the processing of user data for which we are responsible.


Access to user data

We access personal data in order to:

  • Request access to personal data. This makes it possible to acquire a duplicate of the data and check whether it is legally processed.
  • Request deletion of user data. The company"s specialists have the right to delete personal data under the influence of various circumstances. For example, this may be in cases where there is no good reason to further process them. The client can independently ask us to delete (remove) his data, exercising his right to object to processing.
  • Request correction of user data. In this case, the Client may ask to correct inaccurate information or supplement it.
  • Object to the processing of your data - in this case, our experts rely on legitimate interests, studying a particular situation, in order to accept an objection to the processing of information.
  • Request user data restriction. In such a case, it is possible to suspend the processing of user data, for example, to determine their accuracy or the reason for deletion.
  • Request the transfer of user data to other parties.



CryptoTonna guarantees the protection of user data. No modern security measures can guarantee 100% protection against compromise. The specialists of our company use the latest technologies and security algorithms to protect data from unauthorized access as much as possible. User data is stored on modern computerized systems, to which third-party access is limited. When the Client moves through the sections of the website when logging in from one device, it is mandatory to check using encrypted cookies placed in the browser cache. If you use our services and browse other pages, provide financial information, then data protection is carried out (we use Secure Socket Layer encryption).

When logging in, the user is responsible for the safety of the entered password. Also, you should not disclose other important information to third parties (for example, bank account number). When using someone else"s device, always log out before leaving the website.